Praxisbeispiele, mit Biomaterial, Geräte und Software, für die Zukunft der Gentechnik damit ein verantwortungsbewußter Umang mit der synthetischen Biologie gelingt.
Leben kann man mit Biohacking programmieren
Das moderne Verständnis des Lebens und die tiefergehenden Eingriffsmöglichkeiten werden das Verhältnis von Mensch und Natur grundsätzlich verändern. Labors werden bald miniaturisierte, computergesteuerte Chips sein, die überall dezentral zum Einsatz kommen können.
Gendatenbanken werden dann die wichtigste Ressource darstellen - doch wo liegen die Grenzen dieser globalen Synthetischen Biologie?
Dieser Ratgeber zeigt die Entwicklung von einer akademischen Elite hin zum Hack für Jedermann.

A synbio scenario thinking workshop series
The crispr.kitchen connects biohackers and makers who develop their own technologies with industry and academics to exchange about the future of citizen made technology in Germany. By discussing latest prototypes and in interactive games, we will explore the potentials of DIYscience in the innovation system and society.

Synthetische Biologie - die nächste Stufe der Bio- und Gentechnologie
Scientific and technological progress allows to genetically redesign natural organisms in ever more profound ways (synbio in the broader sense). In the long term, the aim is to create artificial biological systems (synbio in the narrow sense). › Application areas are chemical and energy production, environmental protection as well as the medical sector. Considering the current, early state of research and development, it is impossible to forecast reliably which approaches of synbio will prevail against procedures that make use of the available biological diversity or that are limited to more subtle interventions. › Risk assessment and the evaluation of substantially modified organisms will require the development and exploration of new methods and procedures. › Opportunities for different societal groups to participate in the responsible development of synbio are ranging from stakeholder involvement in setting research agendas to DIY biology. › Dealing with intellectual property within the framework of an increasingly digital economy will also represent a major challenge for the future use of synbio.