Hacking Evolution
Hacking biology is my lifelong passion. I consult on the proceedings and future trends in the life sciences and host regular hackathons and workshops to invent innovative laboratory technologies - everything connecting wetware, hardware and software.

Rüdiger Trojok, Diplom Biologist, is a researcher, technology consultant and author of popular science literature. At UnternehmerTUM GmbH, the Center for Innovation and Business Creation within the Technology University of Munich, he leads the synthetic biology innovation lab as part of the transdisciplinary technology incubator (UnternehmerTUM), where he develops prototypes merging AI, VR, robotics and synthetic biology. Rüdiger studied systems and synthetic biology at the Universities of Potsdam, Copenhagen (DTU) and Freiburg. In his academic work he invented a novel contraceptive method based on genetically altered lactic acid bacteria. He worked as a consultant for the office for Technology Assessment by the German Parliament on biohacking and synthetic biology. Since 2014 he works for the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology in the EU program Synenergene on synthetic and DIY biology. Currently he is leading the Bio.Kitchen at UnternehmerTUM GmbH, an open wetlab to enable 21st century life science. Rüdiger Trojok regularly testifies before German and European authorities.
Rüdiger Trojok has been involved in frugal innovation and in the Do It Yourself biology scene since 2009 and pioneered a number of molecular biology experiments using low cost equipment. As a freelancing researcher he developed Digital Biochips which automate and integrate biological laboratory procedures. In 2013 he founded the non-profit Biotinkering Berlin e.V. to support open-source biotechnology projects related to public life, politics and the arts. His work has been widely featured in German mass media, is presented in galleries and in academic conferences across Europe, among them, the Ars Electronica Center in Linz.
Rüdiger Trojok is the developer of an automated phage system to create extensive biobanks for phages for treatment which lays the foundation for future phage therapy applicable anywhere on the globe.